Plate G6.no8: The Cobbler 6 – March 2017 – Shape of Things

There are three peaks to the Cobbler…but this is the highest, and the most striking, obviously because of the uniqueness of the profile. I photographed this profile several times; but no two were ever really the same – consequence of the variations in weather and light.
I have however a particular soft spot for this one. I can’t pin down why to be honest. Maybe it’s because the foreground gets a bit more of a look in. Maybe. Or maybe it’s because the form predominates, being so removed of any detail.
Or maybe it’s because, of all my pictures of the Cobbler, this one seems somehow to imply that there’s more yet to be seen. There’s a future – for any who have suffered incalculable loss, you’ll know how invaluable that is…

E Books – A Walkers Diary (Vol 6)

The Cobbler 6 - March 2017 – Shape of Things