Plate G2.no11: Sunset on Loch Long (Scotland)

My photography training is slight – I have attended a few short courses and met a few photographers. Despite such slender sources, I recall being told often, that one should never direct the viewfinder straight at the sun. I think this advice was given partly because of photographic integrity (that such a shot could be considered ‘cheap’……), and partly because of the technical implications.
But – on the iPhone, such technical concerns can be easily mitigated. And I must say, I rather enjoy the blistering, blinding effect sunlight creates. There are, consequently, many such shots in this gallery and in the others; I could have included many more……curious, for a rain lover……
Of this particular picture, I can only make cryptic comment: the sun has set on this view……

*E Books – A Walkers Diary (Vol 3)/ E Books – Trek Reflections (WHW 2016)