Plate G4.no7: Panorama: George Square (Glasgow)

Alberti said, that ‘the city is a house’. If so, one can expect presumably to find things in a city common to a house: a front door for example (in Glasgow: Central Station); a back door (in Glasgow: where the M8 motorway joins Bothwell Street); a dining room (in Glasgow: St Enoch Square); and, a living room. In Glasgow this must be George Square.
Glasgow promotes a populist view of itself. Its living room therefore can become cluttered, with activities that some might deem unsuitable to a more cultured way of living, contradictory to more refined sensibilities. (I know I do – but then again, I can be a bit of a snob.)
Right or wrong, regardless, there are at times without doubt rather extreme culture clashes evident in this room……

Panorama: George Square (Glasgow)