Plate G7.no2: Lanercost Priory – Cumbria (England)

Lanercost Priory was an unexpected find – coming as it did towards the end of completing a trek along Hadrian’s Wall.*
It was a bit of a jolt – everything else man-made on that trek hailed from a time considerably more distant, when AD was still a relatively new term. Suddenly, to find oneself in the 13th Century AD, as opposed to the 1st – was somewhat disorientating.
Primarily, it was a culture shift. One could sense how radically different lives were by the architecture of the priory as compared to that evidenced by the Roman remains. Both were civilised, but the latter, somehow seemed less relevant compared to the simpler rituals of the Roman.
This stone vaulted space is the refectory. Point made I think.
* Further comment can be found in – Trek Reflections – Hadrian’s Wall 2018