Plate G8.no13: Four Watchtower Windows: The Great Wall of China
I suppose someone somewhere will have calculated how many bricks it took to build the Great Wall of China. I’m sure it’ll be a lot……
I’m not sure it was worth it, at the time. By all accounts, the wall wasn’t terribly successful at keeping marauders out. But now, as a place to visit, I have to acknowledge – it’s incredible.
I’ve looked through many windows in my life (who hasn’t?), but these remain some of the most amazing. Even just by capturing the view of the horizon, that alone is justification enough – assuming of course one can eradicate the knowledge of the conditions under which those labouring to build this ridiculous structure had to bear.
I’ll leave that thought there…… and concentrate instead, on the view through the arched window……
*Further comment can be found in E Books – A Walkers Diary (Vol 3)/Trek Reflections – China 2016