Plate G4.no1: Dawn: Glasgow University (Glasgow)
This picture is my first. What I mean is: this picture is the first that made me sit up and go: oh my……
Consequently, I’ve taken many pictures since – but I remain no expert. I know what I like; and I do so admire those photographs that capture moments, in unique and dramatic fashion. I cannot claim to have that self-same ‘eye’. My subjects tend to be more static, and my judgement of my own pictures, basically subjective.
So, what I like about this picture are the tones, of which there are just three, and the composition – which was instinctive, and consists mostly of nothing, just sky…Scottish sky, grey, punctuated by the unmistakable profile of Gilbert Scotts University spire (unfinished some claim, presumably misjudging the lattice stonework as temporary).