Welcome to my ‘E BOOKS’ page

“Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.'”
Benjamin Disraeli

By way of Introduction: My E-Books are mostly travelogues, of treks undertaken between 2016 and 2018, and the associated training. It was a particularly difficult time in my life, subsequent to the death of my son. These reflections are therefore record of mood and emotion assuaged by the most awful grief, contrasted against a backdrop at once dynamic and exotic, and familiar.

All are photographically illustrated (see also my PHOTOGRAPHY page), and available for purchase. (A percentage of funds raised is donated to the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity)

“To All My Friends…” A Walker’s Diary Volumes 1 – 6

Self-published: July 2019
Available to purchase as PDF

These six volumes cover the period between January 2016 and August 2017, as a record of my training for challenge treks in Scotland (the West Highland Way), China (the Great Wall), the Arctic and the Canadian Rockies.

At the time I was being assuaged by the most awful fallout from the death of my son Christopher. These volumes are a record therefore of a state of mind, under unimaginable duress, as much as they are the diaries of one who had never before trekked.
They are all photographically illustrated. (See also my PHOTOGRAPHY page.)

A percentage of proceeds from each purchase is donated to the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity.


Self-published: July 2019-2020
Available to purchase as PDF

These six reflections are a record of six challenge treks undertaken between 2016 and 2018, in aid of Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity:

WHW 2016 West Highland Way, Scotland.
CHINA 2016 Great Wall of China trek.
ARCTIC 2017 Arctic trek, near Rovaniemi, Finland.
ROCKIES 2017 Canadian Rockies trek, near Banff.
HADRIANS WALL 2018 Hadrian’s Wall trek, England.
CANYONS 2018 Grand Canyon trek USA.

They are all photographically illustrated. (See also my PHOTOGRAPHY page.)

A percentage of proceeds from each purchase is donated to the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity.