Welcome to my Blog page

Blogs posted are linked to my Facebook Michael Angus – Author page. (Please feel free to send me a Facebook ‘friend’ request.)

My blogs are written as personal reflections and observations, often in relation to my activities notably as regards my training for and completion of challenge treks, as well as to my ongoing writing projects and other associated activity. Typically, all are written in acknowledgement of my circumstances, as a bereaved parent in search of healing, and hope – and actively, in the process, to promote awareness of grief and loss, for universal benefit.

‘SUNDAY POSTS’ are specific post, reflecting upon grief and the grieving ‘process’.

‘TRAINING DIARY (2018)’ are posts dedicated to recording ongoing training for 2018 challenge trek (The Grand Canyon [October])

‘ARCHITECTURE MEMORIES’ are posts, due to commence in the summer 2018, on the subject of architecture and architectural education.

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All photographs linked to the posts are available for purchase through the website.

Thank you for reading.


Sunday Post 3   (25th March 2018)

Sunday Post 3 (25th March 2018)

To all my friends, Over the past few months, whilst re-investing in writing (or rather, trying to complete) a book I began three years ago, I've been made aware of something hitherto unnoticed.....about time. I wrote the first draft of this book, 'being sad, ain't...

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Sunday Post 2   (18th March 2018)

Sunday Post 2 (18th March 2018)

To all my friends, These past few months have been spent working on a variety of bits and pieces, trying to finish off a book I began almost three years ago entitled 'being sad, ain't bad', plus finalising the aforementioned books of reflections on my various treks in...

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Sunday Post 1   (11th March 2018)

Sunday Post 1 (11th March 2018)

To all my friends, It's been a while since posting, a while since closing down what was initially conceived, a diary in six volumes to record training for challenges only undertaken because of loss. I've been busy consolidating those diaries and selected writings...

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