Plate G9.no13: Hope Highway – The Rockies (Canada)*

There are certain photographs that hold an especial place in my heart. This is one of them……
My son died – to other bereaved parents, I will not need to explain the consequences, of one’s child dying. One cannot imagine……
The world darkens unnaturally – and one becomes truly lost. Direction – there is none, yet one is so in need of some sort of direction……because that absence of direction, is so akin to the worst consequence of all: the loss of hope – which is a darkness, truly, of terrible dimensions.
Finding any kind of light, any beacon whatsoever does not dispel the darkness – but simply prevents it from becoming all-consuming – and in turn, provides direction…and in turn, hope……
I have no better photograph in my collection, that conveys hope revealed.

*E-Books – Trek Reflections (Rockies 2017)

Hope Highway - The Rockies (Canada)