Plate G4.no2: ‘George Street’/College of Building and Printing (1964)

I took this picture in a state of photographic exuberance. I’d just discovered filters, and I was on a bit of a filter high, especially for the red filter. I couldn’t get enough of turning blue into black, nor of exaggerating contrast, as extreme as possible.
When I took this picture, I had every filter I owned on the camera, so much so it caused filter blur at the edges. But – so what – f**k it, why not? I’ve always been the same, take it to the limit, hit the drums as hard and fast as you can, turn the amp up full, all the dials, all the way round – otherwise, you’ll never know……
As for the subject? Old Glasgow, the Glasgow of stone, meets new……

George Street - College of Building and Printing (1964)