Plate G3.no8: Central Park – Manhattan [New York]

Central Park – the clue is in the title.
In Scotland, cities are surrounded by nature; in Manhattan, it’s the opposite. I could imagine Scotland becoming (significantly) more urbanised. I find it an interesting prospect to envisage, though doubtless unpopular. Nevertheless, it’s possible. Existing cities are expanding all the time, and Scotland could certainly do with a few more……and there’s plenty of sacrificial greenery available.
I could not however, ever imagine Manhattan without its lungful heart, that sharply demarcated resource of greenery, light, space and air. Who could?
I doubt therefore that Manhattan shall ever develop any other way than upwards. Strange to think then, that nature (even an artificially created one) could be safer, in Manhattan, than it is in Scotland……

Central Park - Manhattan (New York)